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Love Fruit Bouquet

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Our edible fruit bouquet made from fresh ripe strawberries makes it top-selling strawberry arrangement in our online catalogue. Filled with fresh strawberries artfully arranged in a ceramic keepsake container. A romantic gift for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day and more!

Fruit Bouquet Sizes and Servings:
Small: Serves 1-2 people
Medium: Serves 4-6 people
Large: Serves 6-8 people
Size Shown: Large 
Warning: Fruity Lux® some of our products contain peanuts and/or tree nuts. We recommend that you take the necessary precautions based on any related allergies. 



  • ‣ Strawberries

Upgrade your gift

Add a personal touch to your arrangement with balloons, a cuddly teddy bear, gourmet chocolate dipped fruit and more!

20 Roses


10 Roses


Single Rose


10 Chocolate Dipped Strawberries


10 White Chocolate Dipped Strawberries


Dipped Banana - 6 pcs


Mandarin - 10 slices


Orange - 6 pcs


Dipped Grapes - 16 pcs


Wedding Balloon


'Yep! I'm A Boy' Balloon


Christmas Balloon


Happy Valentines Balloon


I Love You Splashes Balloon


Congratulations Balloon


'Yes! I'm A Girl' Balloon


Batman Cape Supershape


Easter Balloon


Happy Valentines Day Love Balloon


St. Patrick's Day Balloon


Anniversary Balloon


Dave the Minion Supershape


Happy Mother's Day Balloon-heart-shaped


Spider-Man Ultimate Supershape


New Year Balloon


Get Well Soon Balloon


Happy Birthday Balloon


Spotty Teddy Bear - Blue


Pink Teddy Posh Paws


Spotty Teddy Bear - Pink


Bear with Red Bow Tie


Blue Teddy Posh Paws


Bradley Bear



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You can place an order 1 day before delivery date by 3pm local time, or order well in advance. Orders can be placed for same day, but you need to call customer service before 10am to check if possible. During busy holiday time periods like Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, we recommend that you order further in advance, about 4 days prior delivery date.

We use only first class, high quality fruits very carefully picked by our professional team!

We use 100% real Belgian chocolate in all of our dipped fruit arrangements and products!

Residential deliveries, orders will be delivered from mid-morning to late evening (as late as 9pm during busy holidays). If the recipient is not available at the time of delivery, we can leave the delivery with a neighbour. The recipient will be notified with clear instructions for receiving the gift.

For Business deliveries, orders will delivered from mid-morning morning until 5pm. Please be aware that we may leave the arrangement with the front desk or security. It is a subject for delivery restrictions of the business.

We accept payment via all major credit cards: VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover. You can also check out on our website through PayPal.

Our fruit products are exceptionally fresh and should be consumed immediately. We recommend that you enjoy your fruit arrangements forthwith. If this is not possible, you should keep the original wrapping, and refrigerate immediately upon receipt. Please note that even if you store your arrangements in the refrigerator we cannot promise and we do not guarantee that they will be as good as fresh.

Enjoy Fruity Lux , because fruits are healthy way of living!

Taste it, Enjoy It, Remember it!